Grab Our 2025 Songwriting Challenge Guide! 

Set your intentions and equip yourself with the tools and inspiration you need to get unstuck, plan your progress, and get your songs heard.

What you can expect:

Practical Tips

to spark creative momentum

Proven Strategies

to keep you focused on your songwriting goals

Expert Insights

on writing, recording, and sharing your music for the glory of God

Our Roots

John Chisum, our fearless leader, (and we do mean fearless), walked into a Nashville record label four decades ago, handed a song demo to the receptionist and got his first song recorded. He’s had more than 400 since, made multiple popular recordings, been a successful publisher, producer, and served as a music business executive for two of the most successful record and publishing companies in Christian music history. He’s traveled the world singing, leading worship, and sharing his testimony of God’s presence in his life for four decades.